The concept of ubiquitous distribution can nowadays be applied, paradoxically, regardless of the presence of goods in off-line retail.
On-line commerce has produced a true revolution in terms of both purchasing behavior and companies’ distribution strategies. Business Development more than a synonym of the commercial function has become an additional task of Cross Marketing.
The goal of Cross Marketing in the future is to integrate in an omni-channel strategy, wholesale as well as retail business, on- and off-line, with a social-media management able to ensure customers’ Unique-Shopping-Experience.

RAW REGRET: The retail case of Tussy Tip.
Actually, her shop was called "MY BEAUTIFUL SHOES". Tussy Tip was aware that was not a particularly impressive name for modern customers, but at the time of her mother it was supposed to sound like an invitation or a secret tip to be whispered at the ears of best friends: "Where did you find such wonderful shoes?" "I discovered them by MY BEAUTIFUL SHOES”…You know, the new store in front of the Caffé Central! " The girls of the village had made such a good propaganda that after few years all the fashionable women of the region were eager to begin the new season wearing brand new styles which Tussy’s mother had scouted at trade exhibitions in Paris, Dusseldorf, Florence and Milan.
At Mrs.Tip sr. times sales were booming. It must be said that Tussy’s mother was not spared with work, even Tussy had to go see her in the store to have a chat. But the hard commitment of Mrs.Tip sr. was so generously rewarded with a reputation of real style-authority that she had to enlarge the store 3 times in a couple of years and to hire up to five full-time sales ladies.....